Leader Development

“The true value of a leader is not measured by the work they do.

A leader’s true value is measured by the work they inspire others to do.”

— Simon Sinek

How can your leaders truly unleash the potential of the people in their teams in service of your business? True leadership facilitates the execution of  a company’s strategy by building alignment, generating engagement and growing the capabilities of others.

I facilitate leadership development programs on content including ‘leading a thriving team in a virtual world’, coaching skills, decision-making, delegation, effective feedback, personal & team development, strategic alignment and change leadership. I give simple and valuable tools to leaders to enable them to make a real difference to the teams they serve, as well as to the goals of their business. Programs can include a range of supplementary supports including mentoring, action learning, 360 degree and peer feedback.

What could your leaders do differently to benefit their teams and the wider organisation?

Other Services

Team Coaching

Team coaching helps teams to function effectively and successfully. I work with teams to help build the enabling conditions that are needed for them to thrive – a compelling direction, strong structure, supportive context and a shared mindset. I can analyse how well your team is set up for success and support you in identifying where improvement is needed. 

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is a highly personalised form of learning and self development. It helps leaders to bring about change, effective action, personal growth and improved performance. These in turn lead to higher team performance and better results for the business. 

Neil is a great multinational communicator, he spoke at the speed right especially for those without English as a first language. He led the course well and commanded through engagement not authority.  I would highly recommend him.